Trans Lucid Media, Chinese-oriented creative communication products and services.



Animation is a timed sequence or series of graphic images giving the appearance of movement.

The range of transmission frequencies a network can use. The greater the bandwidth the more information that can be transferred over that network at one time. The term bandwidth also broadly includes throughput, meaning the amount of data sent.

A graphic usually found as an advertisement on websites, typically to promote market identity and awareness.

A type of software that allows you to navigate information databases; examples are Netscape Navigator, Safari and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

In the context of the web, compression is when a file is packed so that it takes up less storage space on a hard disk, which also decreases download time.

Compact Disk-Read Only Memory; an optical disk from which information may be read but not written.

The concept is an abstract or general idea and representation of a project or product. The concept is target-oriented in accordance with requirements and specifications.

This is a general-purpose computer term that can refer to the way you have your computer set up. It is also used to describe the total combination of hardware components that make up a computer system and the software settings that allow various hardware components of a computer system to communicate with one another.

Content Consultation
Advice as to what and how text or multimedia should be included in a document.

A message sent to a website and usually stored on an internet user's computer which, aside from allowing websites to learn the IP addresses of their visitors allowing for statistical analysis, allows websites to be able to have pages which are customised for individual users.

A directed conceptualisation process characterised by original thought, invention and expression.

Short for Cascading Style Sheet, a CSS works with a web page as a template in order to ensure that a standard layout is achieved throughout a web site by stipulating how text elements look on all pages.

A collection of data or information arranged in a format which allows for easy and efficient retrieval. For example, a database may be comprised of lists of contacts and their relevant information.

The process of converting an idea or concept into an inventive, detailed plan or scheme for contruction or manufacture.

To transfer to your computer a copy of a file that resides on another computer.

Short for Electronic Mail, e-mail is a system which can be used to send messages from any computer to any other computer connected to the internet, from one email address to another.

A network which a company uses to share information with other businesses and customers. Information is transmitted over the internet, and users must have a log-in and password in order to view it.

This is the acronym for Frequently Asked Questions. A common feature on the Internet, FAQs are files of answers to commonly asked questions.

Developed by Macromedia Inc., Flash is vector graphic animation software which has the advantage that provided the Shockwave Flash plugin is installed, graphics will look the same in all internet browsers. Flash files (.swf) are also small and therefore quick to download.

HTML tags which allow an internet site to collect information from viewers. A form may include text fields, tick boxes and drop-down menus.

File Transfer Protocol is a protocol that allows the transfer of files from one computer to another. FTP is also the verb used to describe the act of transferring files from one computer to another.

This acronym stands for Graphic Interchange Format, a commonly used file compression format developed by CompuServe for transferring graphics files to and from online services.

Graphic charts
A set of predetermined media specifications such as layout, text size, colours and font type. This is dependent on the media support type and serves to establish unity and recognition over a range of products. Graphic charts should be dependent on target culture.

Home Page
The document displayed when you first open your Web browser. Home Page can also refer to the first and main document you come to at a Web site.

A computer acting as an information or communications server.

Providing a space on an internet server from where a web site can be accessed by other internet users.

An acronym for HyperText Markup Language, HTML is the language used to tag various parts of a Web document so browsing software will know how to display that document's links, text, graphics and attached media.

HTML Document
A document written in HyperText Markup Language.

The abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, HTTP is used to link and transfer hypertext documents.

This term describes the system that allows documents to be cross- linked in such a way that the reader can explore related documents by clicking on a highlighted word or symbol.

In our context, identity refers to the 'image' and reputation of a company which firmly establishes its market niche, encompassing aspects such as prestige, specialisation or generalisation, quality and value, etc., which serves to influence customers. The identity is reinforced using logos and graphic charts.
Visit our visual identity page.

Image Map
A single image which contains different areas, each of which is a link to different web pages.


This image appears because your browser has not the proper flash plugin The organisation of a website which allows it to be easily found by search engines such as Google and Yahoo. This requires an effective page structure and specific coding adapted to current search engine technology.

Interactive An active item that is able to respond to user actions, for example an interactive map might zoom in to an area clicked on by a web surfer.

The abbreviation for Internet Protocol, IP refers to the set of communication standards that control communications activity on the Internet. An IP address is the number assigned to any Internet-connected computer.

Java is a programming language created by Sun Microsystems, which allows small applications to be downloaded into your computer for playback. Java can be used for such simple applications as animation to more complex applications such as a calculator.

JavaScript is a scripting language developed by Netscape. JavaScript can make web pages more animated and dynamic in terms of graphics and navigation. One of the most common graphic JavaScript effects is called a mouseover (When text or an image changes colour or shape when the cursor is placed over it) and Javascript navigation is commonly created using drop-down menus.

The acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group, JPEG is an image compression format used to transfer color photographs and images over computer networks. Along with GIF, it's one of the most common ways photos are moved over the Web.

These are the hypertext connections between Web pages. This is a synonym for hotlinks or hyperlinks.

A logo is a unique symbol that’s reflects your company and product’s unique environments and identities, for example the distinctive M (The 'Golden Arches') of McDonalds Corporation.
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Market Identity
The 'image' and reputation of a company which firmly establishes its market niche, encompassing aspects such as prestige, specialisation or generalisation, quality and value, etc., which serves to influence customers. Tools used to convey a market identity are logos and graphic charts.

A means by which information is distributed, conveyed and transferred. This may be achieved using a variety of contents including text, photography, video, animation or interactive elements.

Meta-tags are HTML tags that can be used to identify the creator of a web page, what HTML specifications a web page follows, the keywords and description of the page, etc. The most common use of a meta-tag in online marketing is the keyword and description tags, which tell search engines that index meta-tags what description to use in their search query results.

A modem (modulator/demodulator) is the hardware required to connect telephone lines and is essential for dial-up connections to the Internet.

The acronym for Moving Pictures Expert Group, MPEG is an international standard for video compression and desktop movie presentation. A special viewing application is needed to run MPEG files on your computer.

A form of communication combining text with graphics, page layout, video, audio, animation, and so on. This may be a website or a CD-ROM.
View our multimedia page.

A relational database management system. Information in a MySQL database is stored in the form of related tables. MySQL databases are typically used for web application development (often accessed using PHP).

Finding one's way around a web site in order to obtain the information desired.

Online Marketing
Online advertising is done exclusively on the web or through e-mail and its purpose is to increase awareness of a product on the internet. Various types of online marketing include affiliate programs, search engine optimisation, banner advertising, directory enhancement, posts to moderated discussion boards an forums, email advertising and online press releases.

Stands for Portable Document Format. Created by Adobe Systems in its software program Adobe Acrobat as a universal browser. Files can be downloaded via the web and viewed page by page, provided the user is computer has installed the necessary plug-in which can be downloaded from Adobe's own web site, http://www.adobe.com.

Abbreviation for Hypertext Pre-Processor. A popular scripting language which can be integrated into HTML and is especially suited for web development.

A software extension that provides added capabilities to the browser, for purposes such as viewing, hearing, or saving specially formatted files. Most plug-ins are available via the creator's web page for downloading.

Search Engine
This term refers to a program that helps users find information in text-oriented databases.

A computer system that manages and delivers information for client computers.

A small version of a graphic image.

These are formatting codes used in HTML documents. Tags indicate how parts of a document will appear when displayed by browsing software.

This is the abbreviation for Uniform Resource Locator, the addressing system used in the World Wide Web and other Internet resources. The URL contains information about the method of access, the server to be accessed and the path of any file to be accessed.

Web Marketing
Online advertising is done exclusively on the web or through e-mail. Various types of online marketing include affiliate programs, search engine optimisation, banner advertising, directory enhancement, posts to moderated discussion boards an forums, email advertising and online press releases.

Web Browser
This is the software that allows a user to access and view HTML documents. Examples of Web browsers include Netscape, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Safari and Mozilla.

Web Document
An HTML document that is browsable on the Web.

Web Flyer
A 'business card' on the internet, containing information such as address, business hours, advertising etc.

Web Identity
The reputation, 'image' and recognisability of an company on the internet, which firmly establishes its market niche, encompassing aspects such as prestige, specialisation or generalisation, quality and value, etc., which serves to influence customers. For example, Amazon.com has a well-established web identity because its services and website layout are well-known.

Webmaster This term refers to the person in charge of administrating a World Wide Web site.

Web Page
An electronic page displaying information on the internet. A web page on a web site may be likened to an electronic version of a page in a book.

Web site/Website
A collection of interlinked web pages within a parent directory.
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This term refers to the space created by the World Wide Web.

World Wide Web Also known as WWW or W3, the World Wide Web is a hypertext- based Internet service used for browsing Internet resources.